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Girl Develop It!

Stylin’ With Sass!

Learn how to use Sass to make your CSS styles modular, extendable, and better prepared to fit into modern web site development.

  • Network SSID: Student
  • Network Password: Improving

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  • shift+space - move to previous slide (back or up)
  • o - the overview mode


Girl Develop It is here to provide affordable and accessible programs to learn software through mentorship and hands-on instruction.

Some Rules:

  • We are here for you!
  • Every question is important
  • Help each other
  • Have fun



Tamara Temple

  • Computer Scientist and Software Engineer since 1980
  • Work a lot on server-side programming (Rails) and
    client-side programming (React)
  • Watercolourist
  • Mom to 2 grown children
  • @tamouse on Twitter
  • tamouse on GitHub
  • tamouse in Slack


  • Who are you?
  • What do you do?
  • How did you hear about Girl Develop It?
  • How many classes have you taken with GDI?
  • What’s your favourite soft drink?

Course Prerequisites and Expectations

  • You should know HTML and CSS already
  • You should have some basic concepts
    of programming:
    variables, loops, etc.
  • You should know how to use the
    terminal / command line, including Git.
  • You should feel comfortable installing

Slack Channel

In the GDIMpls Slack,
join the #html-css-classes channel.

[link to channel]

Let's get set up

  • Go to the Project Files on GitHub
    and read the file on Github.
  • Further instructions are available in the project files's wiki
  • Read them through completely, then follow the instructions.

Estimating 10 minutes

So, how'd that go?

What is Sass?

Sass is a command-line tool
that pre-processes your CSS files
allows you to create:

  • modular,
  • DRY, and
  • more maintainable styles

Sass has two dialects:

  • SCSS (Sassy CSS)
  • Indented Sass

Indented Form:

    list-style: none

stripped down, white-space indented, terse;
does not look like CSS (called “Sass”)

Sassy Form:

nav {
  ul {
    list-style: none;

keeps all the braces (“squirly brackets”) and
semi-colons that you have in CSS.
White space doesn’t matter. (called “SCSS”)

Plain CSS is already SCSS, it’s the easiest to start with.

For this course, I’ll be showing you the SCSS dialect.

The printed notes show the Sass version as well.

What does Sass Do?


  • Sass takes files written in Sass or SCSS and compiles them into CSS.
  • By default, it uses the same file base name.
  • For example styles.scss becomes styles.css.
  • It’s also possible to have different source and destination folders.

This last is really useful for building distributions for your site.


Start with SCSS:

$brand-primary: seagreen;
$brand-accent: tomato;
$brand-bg: honeydew;
header {
  background: $brand-bg;
  color: $brand-primary;
header a { color: $brand-accent; }

Sass dialect:

$brand-primary: seagreen
$brand-secondary: springgreen
$brand-accent: tomato
$brand-bg: honeydew
  background: $brand-bg
  color: $brand-primary

header a
  color: $brand-accent

Get CSS!

header {
  background: honeydew;
  color: seagreen;}
header a {
  color: tomato;}

Sass let’s you set variables that can hold values used all over your css files, allowing you to quick change a commonly used value in only one place.


See the Pen Sass does Variables by Tamara Temple (@tamouse) on CodePen.


Start with SCSS:

nav {
  ul {list-style: none; }
  li {display: inline-block; }
  a {text-decoration: none;
    &:hover {text-decoration: underline;}


    margin: 0
    padding: 0
    list-style: none

    display: inline-block

    display: block
    padding: 6px 12px
    text-decoration: none

Get CSS!

nav ul {
  list-style: none; }
nav li {
  display: inline-block; }
nav a {
  text-decoration: none; }
  nav a:hover {
    text-decoration: underline; }

Sass allows the nesting of CSS so you can clearly tell which rules apply to which parent, without endless repetition.


See the Pen Sass does Nesting by Tamara Temple (@tamouse) on CodePen.


Start with SCSS:

@mixin visually-hidden {
  text-indent: 100%;
  white-space: nowrap;
  overflow: hidden;
.image-replace {
  @include visually-hidden;
  background: url(logo.png) no-repeat;

or Sass

  text-indent: 100%
  white-space: nowrap
  overflow: hidden

  background: url(logo.png) no-repeat

Get CSS!

.image-replace {
  text-indent: 100%;
  white-space: nowrap;
  overflow: hidden;
  background: url(logo.png) no-repeat;

Mixins let you specify often repeated style specification that are used in several independent styles. You could consider a mixin like a macro, where the mixin’s content gets included in the style specification.


See the Pen Stylin With Sass: Mixins by Tamara Temple (@tamouse) on CodePen.


Start with SCSS

// file: _settings.scss
$primaryBrand: #690067;

// file: styles.scss
@import "settings";
header{background-color: $primaryBrand;}


// file: _settings.sass
$primaryBrand: #690067

// file: styles.sass
  background-color: $primaryBrand


/* no file _settings.css */

/* file: styles.css */
header{background-color: #690067;}

You can split out your Sass / SCSS declarations into several files to help you keep them all organized. Beginning the file name with the underscore character (‘_’) will tell the Sass preprocessor to ignore the file because it’s being imported and doesn’t need to have it’s own translated CSS file.


Start with SCSS

$maxReadableWidth: 0.7em * 52;
$spacing: 2em;
.easy-reading {
  max-width: $maxReadableWidth - $spacing * 2;
  margin: 0 auto;
  > div {
    padding: 0 $spacing $spacing $spacing;
    &:first-child {
      padding-top: $spacing;

Or Sass

$maxReadableWidth: 0.7em * 52
$spacing: 2em

  max-width: $maxReadableWidth - $spacing * 2
  margin: 0 auto

  > div
    padding: 0 $spacing $spacing $spacing

      padding-top: $spacing

Get CSS!

.easy-reading {
  max-width: 32.4em;
  margin: 0 auto; }
  .easy-reading > div {
    padding: 0 2em 2em 2em; }
    .easy-reading > div:first-child {
      padding-top: 2em; }


See the Pen Stylin With Sass: Math by Tamara Temple (@tamouse) on CodePen.


Start with SCSS

$primaryBrand: MediumBlue;
$secondaryBrand: darken($primaryBrand, 25%);

.site-header {
  background-color: $secondaryBrand;

Or Sass

$primaryBrand: MediumBlue
$secondaryBrand: darken($primaryBrand, 25%)
  background-color: $secondaryBrand

Get CSS!

.site-header {
  background-color: #00004e; }

Color transformations include:

  • darken
  • lighten
  • opacify
  • transparentize


See the Pen Stylin With Sass: Colours! by Tamara Temple (@tamouse) on CodePen.


There are two types of comments

  • ones which are passed through to the CSS /* */
  • and ones which are not // ...

Start with SCSS

/* Multi-line comments
 * are passed through */
// single line comments are not
body {
  padding: 0; }

or Sass

/* Multi-line comments
  * are passed through
// single line comments are not
  padding: 0

End with CSS

/* Multi-line comments
 * are passed through */
body {
  padding: 0; }


Start with SCSS

@for $i from 1 through 3 {
  .column-#{$i} {
    width: 2em * $i;

or Sass

@for $i from 1 through 3
    width: 2em * $i

Get CSS!

.column-1 { width: 2em; }
.column-2 { width: 4em; }
.column-3 { width: 6em; }


See the Pen Stylin With Sass: Loops! by Tamara Temple (@tamouse) on CodePen.


Start with SCSS:

$type: monster;
p {
  @if $type == ocean {
    color: blue;
  } @else if $type == matador {
    color: red;
  } @else if $type == monster {
    color: green;
  } @else {
    color: black;

or Sass:

$type: monster

  @if $type == ocean
    color: blue
  @else if $type == matador
    color: red
  @else if $type == monster
    color: green
    color: black

Get CSS!

p {
  color: green; }


See the Pen Stylin With Sass: Branches by Tamara Temple (@tamouse) on CodePen.

View on

More examples

Section 1: Telling Sass where to find files and where to put them

  • Sass needs to know where to find the files it should compile, and also where to write the compiled files.

  • There is no magic to this, and the little watch script is telling Sass exactly where to pick things up and where to put them down.

[see notes]

The concept of a sass/ source folder and a css/ destination folder is very common, but you may find other ways to do this. If you do, your tooling will need to reflect this.

If you look in the gulpfile.js file that is being used by npm start, you can find the area where the Sass files are being compiled. Line 11 contains:

gulp.task('sass', function () {

which creates the task to compile Sass files. Lines 12 through 16 specify where to look for such files.

   return gulp.src(

Line 22 specifies where to write them.


Since Sass is a pre-compiler, it needs to run before you open your files in the browser (and it will need to be run before you release your files to the public). This will always require some sort of manual or automated step. Using the watcher program here, which is called Gulp, is one way people do this in an automated way. There are several other ways as well.

  • command line task runners: Gulp, Grunt, Rake, Make, etc.
  • GUI task runners: Codekit, Proces, etc.
  • tools that include Sass support: Jekyll, Rails, Webkit

This class is not concerned with such tooling, but it is an important part of using Sass.


You can reuse this setup in other projects by copying the package.json and gulpfile.js files, and recreating the structure of the project.

Let’s Develop It!

Exercise 1: Create the Sass Folder

Checkout the exercise 1 branch:

    # Ctrl+C to stop the watcher
git status
git add --all # optional if you haven't made changes
git commit -m done # optional if you haven't made changes

git checkout -b ex.01.start origin/ex.01.start # required
npm install
npm start # to restart the watcher


Follow the exercise instructions in the file

How’d that go?


Section 2: Imports and Partials

  • Sass extends the @import function from CSS to create the concept of a partial.

  • A partial is a segment of Sass code in a file with a name that begins with an underscore (_). Such files are treated differently by Sass:

    • if a file starts with an underscore, do not compile a separate .css file for it.

    • otherwise, compile a .css file

for example:

Source File Name Destination File Name
styles.scss styles.css
_grid.scss ——

Importing a partial

When you import the partial, you leave off the leading underscore.

Sass knows how to find the right file.

@import "grid";

Let’s Develop It!

Exercise 2: Single CSS file

Stop the watcher (Ctrl-C)

Save your changes and checkout exercise 2:

git status
git add --all
git commit -m done
git checkout -b ex.02.start origin/ex.02.start
npm install

Restart the watcher:

npm start

Follow the instructions in the README file

You Got This!

Section 3: Structuring Your Sass


How to organize the CSS for
your website in a way that is:

  1. Correct
  2. Consistent
  3. Maintainable
  4. Performant


How to ensure proper specificity
when creating the CSS.

Managing CSS Projects with ITCSS by Harry Roberts, CSS Wizardry


“Inverted Triangle CSS”

Generic to Explicit

Far-reaching to Localized

Low Specificity to High Specificity


  • Settings: global variables, configuration switches, font loading
  • Tools: default mixins and functions
  • Generic: ground-zero styles such as normalize, resets, box-sizing
  • Base: unclassed HTML elements
  • Objects: cosmetic-free design patterns
  • Components: Designed components, chunks of UI
  • Overrides: helpers and overrides (ideally empty) (labeled Trumps in the diagram)

Let’s Develop It!

Exercise 3: Create ITCSS structure

  1. Stop the watcher: Ctrl+C
  2. Save your changes for exercise 2:
    git add --all && git commit -m done
  3. Pull down exercise 3:
    git checkout -b ex.03.start origin/ex.03.start
  4. Follow instructions in the file
  5. Restart the watcher:
    npm start



Exercises all follow the same basic pattern

  • We’ll be doing a lot of refactoring over the next few Let’s Develp It! sections:

    • stop the watcher Cntl+C
    • save your past work
      git add --all && git commit -m done
    • checkout the next exercise
      git checkout -b ex.NN.start origin/ex.NN.start
    • restart the watcher
      npm start
    • perform the work in exercise instructions README file

Stretch Break

Section 4: Elements

  • Styling Bare HTML Elements, after resets.
  • No classes used here, just element selectors
  • Can break out into further partials if desired

Let’s Develop It

Exercise 4: Extract Elements

  • Branch: ex.04.start
  • Instructions:


Section 5: Objects

Finding Objects

  • Objects are usually big-ticket items, such as:
    • your site’s template (header, footer, main content, sidebars)
    • a grid system defining reusable classes for column widths
    • other reusable objects such as the classic “Media Object”

Some rules (guidelines)

  • don’t use elements for CSS selectors
  • don’t use IDs for CSS selectors
  • everything is a class
  • using elements as styling selectors breaks the notion of general to explicit specificity. It means you have to design around their use in other contexts.

  • IDs can be used, but don’t use them for CSS; use them for JavaScript and in-page references.

Let’s Develop It

In this exercise, we’ll extract our first two objects:

  • the page header
  • the page footer.


  • Branch: ex.05.start
  • Instructions:

Section 6: Components

An interlude

upon the naming of classes

Follow along on the printed notes

Naming classes: BEM

“BEM” - Block, Element, Modifier


A functionally independent page component that can be reused.

The block’s name describes its purpose, not its state.


<!-- Correct. The `error` block is semantically meaningful -->
<div class="error"></div>

<!-- Incorrect. It describes the appearance -->
<div class="red-text"></div>

The block shouldn’t influence its environment, meaning you shouldn’t set the external geometry (padding or boundaries that affect the size) or positioning for the block.

Blocks can be nested inside each other, and there can be any number of nesting levels.


A composite part of a block that can’t be used separately from it.

Again, the element’s name describes its purpose, not its state.

The structure of the element name is:


The defining part of the element name is the double underscore (__) separating the block name from the element name.


    Correct. The structure of the full element name follows the pattern:
<form class="search-form">
    <div class="search-form__content">
        <input class="search-form__input">

        <button class="search-form__button">Search</button>

    Incorrect. The structure of the full element name doesn't follow the pattern:
<form class="search-form">
    <div class="search-form__content">
        <!-- Recommended: `search-form__input` or `search-form__content-input` -->
        <input class="search-form__content__input">

        <!-- Recommended: `search-form__button` or `search-form__content-button` -->
        <button class="search-form__content__button">Search</button>

Elements can be nested inside each other, and you can have any number of nesting levels. But, and element is always part of a block; you cannot define a hierarchy of elements.

Thus something like block__elem1__elem2 would be considered incorrect.


An entity that defines the appearance, state, or behaviour of a block or element

The modifer is where the majority of the style settings will end up, usually. The naming convention varies for modules, a lot of people seem to use the double-dash convention (--): block_name--size.


Using double-dash modifiers.

<form class="form form--login form--theme_forest">
    <input class="form__input">
    <input class="form__submit form__submit--disabled">
.form {}
.form--theme_forest {}
.form--login {}
.form__input {}
.form__submit {}
.form__submit_disabled {}

Let’s see this done in SCSS:

.form {
    &--theme_forest {}
    &--login {}
    &__input {}
    &__submit {
        &--disabled {}

And in Sass:


Let’s Develop It

Exercise 6: Nesting and Refactoring

  • Branch: ex.06.start
  • Instructions:

Whew!! That was a tough one.

Give yourselves a hand.

Section 7: Card Component

  • Cards are very common components on websites today
  • You see them on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Instagram, Tumblr, and tons of other places
  • We’re going to make a card that will feature each of our ladies

Let’s Develop It!

Exercise 7: Famous Person Card

  • Branch: ex.07.start
  • Instructions:

How did that go?

Section 8: The Jump Component

Let’s Develop It

Exercise 8: The Jump Component

  • Branch: ex.08.start
  • Instructions:



We’ve been going pretty steady, but now we’re about to dive into more complex things, and stuff that requires some careful thought.

Section 9: The Feature Section

  • On our page, there are 3 big globs of space that are denoted by <section> elements.
  • The have some common features and some disparate features.
  • We can create a component for the common features, and reuse it for each section.
  • We’ve already created a separate component for the interior structure in the famous women section.
  • We can also create a separate component for the interior structures in the other two sections.

Let’s Develop It!

Exercise 9: Feature Section

(Including interior components)

  • Branch: ex.09.start

Way to go!

Section 10: Theming

Now we’re gonna have fun!

  • Theming is one of the coolest things, because with just a couple changes, you can completely change the look of your site.
  • It requires extracting colors from the existing elements, objects, and components, and creating modifiers that can easily be applied that affect the color theme.
  • In addition to colors, fonts are often another area of theming.

Let’s Develop It!

Exercise 10: Themes

  • Branch ex.10.start


Section 11: Clean Up

  • As we’ve gone along, we’ve tried out a couple different ways of organizing our styles.
  • Let’s clean that up, and put things into subdirectories.
  • A common convention is to name the “collector” or “exporter” file in the directory “_index.scss”.
    • this file imports the other files in the directory.

Let’s Develop It!

Exercise 11: Clean Up

  • Branch: ex.11.start

Whew! We made it.


Do you need to use Sass?

No, you don’t.

  • CSS variables are becoming available
  • @import works in plain old CSS
  • You can write everything out, especially using BEM, as flat classes

but you still probably want to

  • Compiling can reduce load (less of a consideration with HTTP/2)
  • Lose things like math, colour functions, self-defined functions, mixins, extensions, nesting, conditionals
  • Increases redundancy, non-DRY implementations

[see print for details]

Further Reading

The Future: CSS Variables

Something new that’s being introduced are CSS variables.

Please fill out the workshop survey at:

Use “Stylin With Sass” as the class name