Intermediate JavaScript

06.04.18 ∙ GDI MPLS ∙ Amy Gebhardt
Network: training
Password: classroom
Project Files:


Who are you?
What do you do?
How did you hear about Girl Develop It?
On a scale of 1 to "I could do this while sleeping" how comfortable are you with JavaScript and programming concepts?
What's a recent "win" you've had?


Review (today!)
Vanilla JavaScript is ugly
Define library and framework
Learn how to research, implement, and use a library
Hear what the "cool" kids are using these days
Do some cool stuff with jQuery


What is JavaScript?

A client-side
processing language.
The browser reads
and executes the code.
Works with HTML and CSS.
Let's you build dynamic
web pages that respond
to user input.

JavaScript files have a .js extension.

Set up some project files:

Download the project files by going to:

Unzip the file and move
the folder somewhere handy (in your repos
folder, on your desktop, etc).

Open your code editor, then open
your intermediate-js-project-files directory.
Add a link to the scripts.js file by modifying your index.html.
Don't forget to save!


Add this JavaScript to scripts.js & save again:

Open index.html in Google Chrome. What do you see?

So... what did we just do?

document.write("JavaScript is awesome!");

We invoked the write function on the global object: document.

When we invoked it, we gave it a parameter
of type string: "JavaScript is awesome!".

We ended the statement with a ;.

Let's try it!

Go back to your index.html file.

Set up a few DOM elements in the <body> of your page:

When you're ready, save and open the file in Chrome.

Let's try it!

Add a link to the counter.css file by modifying
the head of your index.html.

When you're ready, save and open the file in Chrome.

Quick note...

This is not a CSS course, but it is important to know when to use JavaScript and when to use CSS.

Finally, onto the JavaScript!

We need to select the result, subtract, and add elements.

Store each element into a new variable.

To confirm you've successfully selected them, output their innerHTML using document.write(), alert(), or console.log()
We need to select the result, subtract, and add elements.
Since these elements are all accessible by an id, we can use JavaScript's document.getElementById() function.


Store each element into a new variable.
The returned value from each document.getElementById() can
be stored in a new variable that we initialize using
the var variableName = value; syntax.

To confirm you've successfully selected them, output their innerHTML using document.write() , alert() , or console.log()
We'll access the innerHTML property from each of our new variables using dot notation.


Using any of the three output methods,
display the value of innerHTML.


Let's add some events!

Next, we'll need to add an event listener to handle the click event for the add and subtract buttons.

To confirm you've successfully captured the click event, output a "hello world from the [add][subtract] click event!" message using document.write(), alert(), or console.log()
Next, we'll need to add an event listener to handle the
click event for the add and subtract buttons.
Use the addEventListener() method on the Element
using dot notation to capture the click event
for both add and subtract.

Next, we'll need to add an event listener to handle the
click event for the add and subtract buttons.
The addEventListener() method takes in two arguments.
The first is a string and refers to the name of the event.
In this case, "click".

The second argument is a function that is
invoked when the event is triggered.

To confirm you've successfully captured the click event, output a "hello world from the [add][subtract] click event!" message using document.write(), alert(), or console.log()
Using any of the three methods, display the message.
Make them unique, so you can see the difference
between add and subtract.

Open in Chrome to confirm the results!

Update the result

Get the current content of the result element.

Using JavaScript operators, do the assumed operation (+1 if it's add, -1 if it's subtract) each time the buttons are clicked.

Update the HTML of the result element, so
the user can see what's happening.

Test your work!
Get the current content of the result element.
We can get this by accessing the innerHTML property
on the Element object using dot notation. Let's go ahead
and store it in a new variable.

Using JavaScript operators, do the assumed operation (+1 if it's add, -1 if it's subtract) each time the buttons are clicked.
This snippet is for the add button, so we'll add 1 to the currentResult variable and store that in a newResult variable.

Full disclosure: I'm intentionally leading you astray, here...
Output the value of newResult. Is it what you expect?
Using JavaScript operators, do the assumed operation (+1 if it's add, -1 if it's subtract) each time the buttons are clicked.
JavaScript operators behave differently depending
on the data types being used.

We need to convert the string from innerHTML to an integer using JavaScript's parseInt() function before we add or subtract 1 from it.

Output the value of newResult. Is it what you expect?
Update the HTML of the result element so the user can see what's happening.
In addition to accessing the innerHTML property,
we can also set it. The DOM will be manipulated.

Open your page in Chrome. Test out both buttons. How'd we do?

Quick note...

This is not a CSS course, but it is important to know when to use JavaScript and when to use CSS.

Style the result when it changes

Set the class of the result element to "changing" when either button is clicked.

After 200 milliseconds, remove the class.
CSS will handle all of the fancy transitions
(and CSS typically does this better than JavaScript)

Test your work!
Set the class of the result element to "changing" when either button is clicked.
The Element object also has a className property.
Just like with innerHTML, we can set it and the
DOM will be manipulated.

Open your page in Chrome. Test out both buttons.
Did the class get added? How can you tell?
After 200 milliseconds, remove the class.
We can use JavaScript's setTimeout() function to handle the 200 millisecond delay.

setTimeout() takes two arguments. The first is a function that is invoked after the specified number of milliseconds. The number milliseconds is the second argument.

After 200 milliseconds, remove the class.
Within the setTimeout() function (the first argument),
set className to an empty string.


How does it look?

How about your code?


"Code refactoring is the process of restructuring existing computer code – changing the factoring – without changing its external behavior."
Readability, maintainability, less room for error.

Thanks for coming

See you next week!
Have feedback you'd like to share before next week? Let us know!