Intermediate JavaScript

06.11.18 ∙ GDI MPLS ∙ Amy Gebhardt
Network: training
Password: classroom
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Welcome Back!


Review (today!)
Vanilla JavaScript is ugly (today!)
Define library and framework (today!)
Learn how to research, implement, and use a library (today!)
Hear what the "cool" kids are using these days (today!)
Do some cool stuff with jQuery

How does it look?

How about your code?


"Code refactoring is the process of restructuring existing computer code – changing the factoring – without changing its external behavior."
Readability, maintainability, less room for error.

Refactor your counter

Use a different selector to get both buttons into an array.

Using a for loop, step through each button and add the click event listener it. When clicked, update the HTML and the class for the result element.

There should only be addEventListener() in your code.
Use a different selector to get both buttons into an array.
Instead of using getElementById() for the add and subtract buttons, you can use getElementsByTagName().

buttons is now an array of elements.
Using a for loop, step through each button and add the click event listener it. When clicked, update the HTML and the class for the result element.
Set up the for loop and set the break condition to be the length of the buttons array.

Using a for loop, step through each button and add the click event listener it. When clicked, update the HTML and the class for the result element.
Store the "current" button on each iteration of the
loop using bracket notation.

Using a for loop, step through each button and add the click event listener it. When clicked, update the HTML and the class for the result element.
Add the event listener for the current button.

Using a for loop, step through each button and add the click event listener it. When clicked, update the HTML and the class for the result element.
To determine if we should add or subtract 1 from the result, we'll need to get at the current button's innerHTML. We need to do this with the this keyword.

Using a for loop, step through each button and add the click event listener it. When clicked, update the HTML and the class for the result element.
There are a few different ways to go forward. You could use a conditional statement to add or subtract 1.

You could also use the +/- string and convert it to an interger since JavaScript will keep track of the sign. That way, you could always add the value.
Option #1: Use conditional statements

Option #2: Use the string & always add

Option #3: ??
Using a for loop, step through each button and add the click event listener it. When clicked, update the HTML and the class for the result element.
Finally, update the class just as we did before.


Save and test.
Is everything still working as it did?

Ready for a break?

Even though we've refactored, JavaScript can still be kind of ugly.

In the world of programming, developers are always trying to find ways to make writing code easier and prettier.


JavaScript Libraries & Frameworks

A JavaScript library is...

a package of pre-written JavaScript that allows for easier development.

Easier, cleaner code.
Avoid re-inventing the wheel.
Get away from tricky "vanilla" JS.
Be consistent with standards.

A JavaScript framework is...

a package of pre-written JavaScript that allows for easier development.

Easier, cleaner code.
Avoid re-inventing the wheel.
Get away from tricky "vanilla" JS.
Be consistent with standards.

Frameworks are a lifestyle.

Tend to be more about standards/consistency.
About methodologies, philosophies, & code structure.

Libraries are a collection of tools.

Tend to be more about plugins, features, etc.
About providing tools without all the rules.

Be prepared:

You'll see blogs, developers, even companies use these terms differently.

Popular Libraries:

Popular Frameworks:

JavaScript libraries and frameworks live in separate .js files.

You include these in your own project directory and then you can use them!

Let's try it!

Browse to and download moment.min.js.

Move the moment.min.js file to your project's lib directory.

Create a new file in the intermediate-js-project-files directory.

Save as workingWithMoment.js.
In index.html, update the src attribute of your <script> tag and then add a new one for moment.min.js.

Now your page knows about moment!

Let's try it!

Using the new library, have your page display your age.

Use fromNow() method shown on the MomentJS front page.

Part of using libraries and frameworks is learning how to follow their documentation.

Installing libraries/frameworks

for your project
1) Download & save in your project directory.
(GitHub, website, etc)
2) Use a CDN.
(content delivery network; allow someone else - like Google - to host)
3) Use a package manager.
(yarn, npm, bower, etc)

Thanks for coming

See you next week!
Have feedback you'd like to share before next week? Let us know!